• Type: École

- General Presentation :

Encouraged by the great success of GERM's previous schools in 1996, 2008 and 2013, we have once again brought together leading French and international personalities from the magnetic resonance community to deliver a progressive, didactic course introducing key magnetic resonance concepts, methodologies and cutting-edge applications in this vast field.

The school was aimed at doctoral students, post-docs, engineers and researchers wishing to acquire a good grasp of the fundamental concepts of magnetic resonance, but also to tackle all its fields of application (physics, chemistry, biology), and grasp emerging techniques.

The school was structured around lectures (in the morning) and tutorials or practical work (in the afternoon), enabling participants to deepen their theoretical knowledge. Organized in the friendly setting of the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse over 5 full days, the school encouraged exchanges between lecturers and participants, and helped lay the foundations for the development of cutting-edge applications in a variety of fields.

GERM school pages on the Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC) website:
Site Web de l’IESC

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- List of teachers :


—  Valérie Belle – Université Aix-Marseille, France – RPE
—  Gildas Bertho – Université Paris-Descartes, France – Métabolomique
—  Jean-Marie Bonny – INRA, Clermont-Ferrand , France – IRM, principes de base
—  Thibault Charpentier – CEA Saclay, France – RMN solide, Interactions anisotropes
—  Christian Fernandez – Université de Caen, France – RMN solide, Applications à la Haute Résolution dans les Matériaux
—  Fabien Ferrage – ENS Paris, France – Biomolécules en solution
—  Nicolas Giraud – Université Paris-Descartes, France – RMN multi-dimensionnelle
—  Sabine Hediger – CEA Grenoble, France – Hyperpolarisation
—  Chris Jaroniec – Ohio State University, USA – Biomolécules en solide
—  Dominique Massiot – CEMHTI, Orléans, France – RMN, principes de base
—  Robert Schneider – Université de Lille 1, France – Dynamique et Relaxation
—  Thomas Vosegaard – Université Aarhus, Danemark – Principe Simulations

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—  Luminita Duma – Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France – Traitement du signal, Instrumentation
—  Olivier Girard – Université Aix-Marseille, France – IRM
—  Isabelle Landrieu – Université de Lille 1, France – Biomolécules
—  Laurent Le Pollès – Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, FranceSimulations
—  Charlotte Martineau – CEMHTI, Orléans, France – Attribution & RMN 2D
—  Jean-Marc Nuzillard – Université Reims, France – RMN, principes de base
—  Marie Poirier-Quinot – Université Paris Sud, France – IRM

Full program
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