• Type: Congrès

Dear Colleagues,

We were delighted to share with you GERM's first virtual conference on April 6, 8 and 9, 2021.

Failing to take you to a beautiful corner of France, we've set up a dedicated space for the conference on the gather.town platform.We hope you've rediscovered some of the conviviality so dear to GERM :) with a plenary room to follow an oral presentation together, in small groups wandering through the virtual space or around the posters displayed in a virtual poster room. Oral presentations could also be viewed directly via a zoom link.

Registration, which was compulsory and free of charge, was open on the dedicated website germ2021.sciencesconf.org/. Registration was valid for membership of GERM for the year 2021.

A general meeting of the association took place during the conference, including the election of new board members.

Thank you for your participation, which contributed to the success of this event!

We look forward to seeing you soon for a bi-national :-)

The GERM office

Student Prizes

This year the GERM Board awarded three prizes for the best poster presentations in the student category, all of which were of a very high standard. It congratulates :

- Justine NOËL, from LEMTA in Nancy, who received 1st prize for her poster entitled "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Natural Convection in a Phase Change Material".

- Maxime JACQUEMIN, from CEMHTI in Orléans, who received 2nd prize for his poster entitled "Magic-Angle Spinning spectroscopic imaging of chemical composition gradients in bulk glass samples".

- Thomas CASTAING-CORDIER from CEISAM in Nantes, who won 2nd prize for his poster entitled "Développement d'une plateforme analytique intégrée basée sur la RMN mobile pour la caractérisation des drogues".

Well done to them!



— Conference Program here

— Abstract book here

— Golden book here

 Invited speakers

Four speakers have graciously agreed to give presentations.

Yann FICHOU CNRS / Univ. Bordeaux - IECB, Bordeaux

— Carole GARDIENNET CNRS / Univ. Lorraine - CRM2 UMR 7036, Nancy

Box C/D snoRNPs : solid-state NMR fingerprint of an early-stage 50 kDa assembly intermediate involved in ribosome biogenesis

— Guilhem PAGES INRAE / UR QuAPA, ISC AgroResonance, St Genès Champanelle

— Hélène RATINEY Univ Lyon / INSA‐Lyon / UCB Lyon 1 / UJM-Saint Etienne / CNRS / Inserm - CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, Lyon

GERM virtuel 2021

- registrations are closed  -

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the next GERM event, to be held virtually by videoconference on April 6, 8 and 9, 2021.

Failing to take you to a beautiful corner of France, we invite you to join us on a space dedicated to the conference on the gather.town platform ( https://gather.town/). There, you'll be able to control a character and, we hope, rediscover some of the conviviality so dear to GERM: in the plenary room to follow an oral presentation together, in small groups wandering around the virtual space or around the posters displayed in a virtual poster room. Oral presentations can also be viewed directly via a zoom link.

Registration, which is compulsory and free of charge, is open on the dedicated website https://germ2021.sciencesconf.org/. Registration will be valid for membership of GERM for the year 2021.

A general meeting of the association is scheduled to take place during the conference, including the election of new board members.

We encourage submissions on all magnetic resonance topics from the French GERM community. Registration and abstract submission are open until February 25 for oral and/or poster presentations, in French or English. Your participation will contribute to the success of this event!

Last but not least, four speakers were kind enough to agree to give a presentation:

- Carole GARDIENNET - CRM2 - UMR 7036 CNRS / Univ. Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy -
- Guilhem PAGES - INRAE / UR QuAPA, ISC AgroResonance, St Genès Champanelle -
- Hélène RATINEY - Univ Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, Lyon -
- Yann FICHOU - IECB - CNRS / Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux -

Looking forward to seeing you in April :-)

The GERM Board

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